Elements Day Spa & Salon
Relax, Rejuvenate, & Revive with nature's elements...

To order your Nikken Products call (315) 376-0102 or email
Kenko™ Sleep Technology
Found only in the Nikken Kenko™ Sleep System, Kenko Sleep Technology is a combination of features that work together to enable better sleep, provide more rest and assist the processes of physical and mental recharging that form the basis of sleep. Kenko Sleep Technology includes magnetic energy, a massaging surface, far-infrared fibers and more to address factors such as support and temperature regulation that are crucial to enjoying sleep that is healthy and restorative.

Air Wellness™ Technology
Air Wellness Technology combines multistage filtration (including a state-of-the-art HEPA filter), negative-ion generation and a unique system that operates without producing ozone, a toxic gas that is an unfortunate byproduct of other air systems. Only Air Wellness products offer all these features in combination.

True Elements™ Swiss
Organic Skin Care
True Elements Swiss Organic Skin Care takes its inspiration from the flowers, vines and herbs that grow in the Valaisan Mountains of the Swiss Alps, extraordinary plant strains that have developed an unusual resistance to the effects of environmental stress. True Elements is certified organic by Ecocert, a distinction that very few products — even those labeled as “organic” — can claim. This provides a level of assurance important to consumers who understand that skin care is health care.

PiMag™ Water Technology
PiMag Water Technology begins
with a high-tech, multiple-stage filtration system based on natural materials to clean water without chemicals. It adds Nikken magnetic technology and ceramic elements that impart minerals to produce pi water, known in Asia for decades
as “the water of life.” The result is
a unique water system that is more environmentally sound, more cost-effective and more practical than commercially bottled water.

Kenzen™ Wellness Organic- Based Nutrition
Nikken Kenzen Wellness Organic-Based Nutrition is designed to bring the daily diet closer to nature. Each ingredient in the program is carefully selected and where possible the organic content is maximized. The Nikken concept of Whole Body Renewal includes a Core System to help meet daily needs, and modules that offer support for specific biological activities: gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neurological,
immune, skeletal.

CardioStrides™ Technology
Nikken introduced a breakthrough in fitness technology with CardioStrides shoes. Using a scientifically-weighted, ergonomic design, Nikken CardioStrides make it possible to enjoy a healthy, safe workout just by walking or performing household tasks. The benefits of physical activity — increased heart rate, oxygen intake and calorie burning — can be made part of a daily routine. CardioStrides offer a way to add exercise to almost any activity.