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Hypnosis Topics: weight loss*, smoking cessation*, oral tobacco cessation, alcohol cessation, stress & anxiety reduction, pain management, positive attitude, body image & appreciation, self-esteem, confidence & success, nail biting, high blood pressure, sleeping well, eliminating phobias (public speaking, water, enclosed spaces, flying, bridges, crowds, the dark, failure, heights, incontinence, & more), academic performance, test anxiety, thunderstorm appreciation, healing imagery, cancer recovery, tumor reduction, attracting abundance, memory, eliminating self-sabotage, enhancing creativity, increasing fertility, child birthing, preparing for change, preparing for surgery, sports & success, grounding/centering, accessing soul memories, attracting a soul mate, Chakra attunement, developing intuition, organization/de-cluttering, & much more!

With hypnosis, you're always in control & no one can ever make you do anything you don't want to do (that's just Hollywood's incorrect portrayal of hypnosis). Hypnosis is simply a tool to help you think positively & become the person you dream of being, through the use of relaxation & positive suggestions.

*Weight Loss & Smoking Cessation Programs are eligible for 100% IRS tax credit reimbursement.


Reiki is a gentle, hands-on healing system that promotes well-being & relaxation.

Reiki is a holistic treatment in that is works on healing the whole person (mind, body, & spirit), & adapts to individual needs.

Many people notice a change during their very first session, but benefits grow with repeated treatments.

Reiki balances life force energies, which promote relaxation & stress reduction. This activates the body's ability to self-heal.

Other benefits: Clears toxins, helps insomnia, strengthens immune system, promotes a peaceful & positive outlook, encourages emotional release, relief from chronic aches/pains, reduce blood pressure, relaxes muscles, promotes general well-being, aids in recovery from injuries, increases energy, enhances spiritual connection, helps meditative states, & much more!


Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of alternative therapy that manipulates the body's natural electro-magnetic energy field by tapping on acupressure points while a specific memory or situation is focused on, in order to release blocked energy & alleviate a physical &/or psychological problem. (This works great for managing stress/anxiety.)

By learning how to do this in one session with me, you can perform this treatment on yourself anywhere, & can therefore help yourself in moments of doubt & fear, in the middle of the night, or when you are on your own.

Check out Barefoot Holistics facebook page!

To schedule your appointment today call: (315) 376-0102


Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage

The traditional art of relaxation. These classic techniques will lull you into a state of bliss increasing circulation, relieving tension and easing sore muscles. This massage uses light to medium pressure strokes and movements.


Half Hour           $50

One Hour            $80

Hour and Half     $110

Hot Stone Massage

Retreat to your own blissful state of mind with heated basalt stones, used to warm muscle tissue and provide deep relief.

Half Hour           $50

One Hour           $100

Hour and Half      $130

Serenity Hot Oil Scalp Massage

This deeply relaxing treatment is 30 min of bliss! This treatment uses a high frequency machine combined with coconut oil infused with serenity essential oils, warmed to perfection, to help relax the scalp and stimulate hair growth. The face, neck and scalp are treated to a massage to help you completely let go of stresses!

Half Hour           $45

Couples Massage

Our couples suite is designed for you and your significant other to enjoy a side by side massage treatment and create memories you’ll both cherish. Evening appointments available.

Swedish One Hour           $170

Swedish Hour and Half     $230

Deep Tissue One hour   $190

Chair Massage                                           $1/min

Allows you to receive massage fully clothed. For those on the go. 10-15 min sessions

Mother-to-be Massage

Designed specifically for your special time, we nurture you and your baby in gentleness and support. Special cushions are used to provide ultimate comfort. You must be outside your first trimester to safely receive this treatment.

Half Hour           $50

One Hour          $80

Hour and Half     $110

Deep Tissue Massage

A deep and meaningful massage treatment designed to work on stiff, tight, fatigued muscles and joints. Involves specialized and intensive deep tissue techniques to warm, manipulate and ease muscles. Not recommended for first time massage.

Half Hour           $50

One Hour           $90

Hour and Half      $120

Ashiatsu Massage

In the Japanese language “Ashi” translates to foot and “Atsu” into pressure. Ashiatsu Deep Feet Bar Therapy, is a barefoot massage technique in which the therapist delivers deep, broad, consistent pressure while utilizing their feet and body weight.

                                                                                              Half Hour           $50

One Hour           $90

Hour and Half      $120

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